Mr. Mickles to Mr. Seward
Dear Sir: I have to acknowledge receipt of your communication of the 21st instant. The particular object of this communication is to advise Mr. Seward of what, in the press of other engagements, may have escaped his notice, that the Russian extension line, (of which P. McD. Collins is the projector,) and the Russian government, and also the Western Union Telegraph Company, are now interested in the success of the East India Telegraph Company, and the construction of this line by that company is regarded with interest by the Pacific Mail Steamship Company. There are are now no conflicting claimants for the concessions from the authorities at Peking. Letters of November 13, 1866, show that the East India Telegraph Company is regarded with favor at Irkutsk, Peking, and at all the Chinese ports. Your excellency may have understood that Mr. Collins, representing other corporations, was an applicant for these concessions, which is not now the case, he being one of the directors of the East India Telegraph Company. If Mr. Seward can spare the time, I should be glad to have him peruse the accompanying circular letter, which is for the private use of the directors of the Pacific Mail Steamship Company.
Very truly, yours,
Hon. William H. Seward, Secretary of State.