
M. Berthemy to Mr. Seward

Dear Mr. Seward: In conformity with the wish you were pleased to express, I send you enclosed an extract from a despatch from the Marquis de Moustier, relative to the protection of French interests in Mexico; and I join here to, with all thanks, the interesting letter from Mr. Hall.

Please accept, dear Mr. Seward, the assurance of my best regards.


Hon. William H. Seward, &c., &c., &c.


The Marquis de Moustier to M. Berthemy. –

* * * * * * *

I wrote on the 15th of this month to Mr. Dano to instruct him to bring away, with him our two consuls at Vera Cruz and Tampico, and I request him to confide the protection of our countrymen to the agents of a friendly power. I have indicated to him those of the United States as being most naturally called upon to charge themselves with these cares. It is therefore to them that he will address himself, most probably. I beg you to inform Mr. Seward of this, and I doubt not that the federal government will authorize its representatives in Mexico to accept such mission.

Accept, &c.


M. Berthemy, &c., &c., &c.