Mr. Hunter to M. Berthemy
Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your note of the 8th instant, asking whether any action has been taken by this government for the adoption of a new code of maritime signals now in use by the governments of France and Great Britain, which subject was first brought to the notice of this department by the Marquis de Montholon on the 28th of September, 1866. In reply, I have the honor to state that the matter was submitted for the consideration of the Secretary of the Treasury, who informed the department that [Page 293] competent persons would be selected with a view to examine into, and if deemed practicable, to commend the adoption of this code by the United States government, for the merchant service. No further information upon the subject has been received. I shall, however, cause a translation of your note to be laid before the Secretary of the Treasury, and will request him to inform the department of any decision which may have been reached in regard thereto.
Accept, sir, the assurances of my very high consideration.
M. Berthemy, &c., &c., &c.