Mr. Sanford to Mr. Seward.
Sir: General Baron de Beaulieu has returned here from Washington, and both he and Mr. Rogier express great satisfaction at the cordial, friendly reception given to the special mission by the President and yourself; and the facilities extended to the officers of his suite by the Departments of War and of the Navy, in obtaining information of cur progress in the sience of war, have also given great gratification. The courtesies which the mission has received seem to be very warmly appreciated, and will help to increase that cordiality of feeling towards the United States which, I am happy to say, exists with and on the part of the government and people.
General Fourey, who went on a special mission to Mexico, as before reported to you, also returned with Baron de Beaulieu with a part of his suite. On the 4th of March, on their way from Mexico to Vera Cruz, he and his suite were attacked at Rio Frio. One of his officers, Baron d’Huart, attached to the service of the Count de Flandre, was killed; the general himself slightly, and some of his staff severely wounded, necessitating their return to Mexico.
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I have the honor to be, with great respect, your most obedient servant,
Hon. William H. Seward, Secretary of State, Washington, D. C.