Mr. Seward to Mr. Barreda.

Sir: I have the honor to transmit to you, for your information, a copy of two circular letters addressed by this department, one to the attorneys of the United States and the other to the respective governors of the States of the United States formerly slave States, on the subject of attempts being made to induce freedmen to move to foreign countries, and especially to Peru.

I avail myself, &c.,


Señor Don Frederico L. Barreda, &c., &c., &c.


Sir: This department is informed that schemes are on foot to induce freedmen to emigrate to foreign countries, and particularly to Peru, based upon promises of bettering their condition, which it is believed will never be carried into effect. It is consequently suggested that any legal and moral means which may be at the command of your excellency be used towards preventing the freedmen from being imposed upon.

I have the honor to be your excellency’s obedient servant,


His Excellency the Governor of the State of Alabama.

Same to the governors of the States of Virginia, Kentucky, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Louisiana, Texas, Mississippi, Tennessee, and Arkansas.

[Page 670]


Sir: This department has information that measures are in progress for the purpose of inducing freedmen to move to foreign countries, and especially to Peru, by promises of high wages and other inducements. As there is reason to believe that these promises will not be performed, and that the condition of the freedmen would not, in most instances, be improved by the change, it is deemed to be the duty of the government to prevent them, by all legal and moral means, from being thus imposed upon.

This circular is addressed to you for that purpose, with the assent of the Attorney General. You will do anything which you properly can towards causing its object to be carried into


The Attorney of the United States for the Northern District of Alabama.

Same to all the United States district attorneys for the States of Kentucky, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Arkansas, and Tennessee.