Mr. Barreda and Mr. Buruaga to Mr. Seward.
The undersigned have received the confidential note of his excellency the Secretary of State, dated 2d instant, referring to another of the same date relative to the difficulty supervened with the government of Ecuador, and explaining the engagement contracted therein.
The undersigned would extremely regret that their proffer of payment should have been misunderstood, and hasten to give explanations which can leave no doubt respecting their intention in the mind of the honorable Secretary of State. In their desire to avoid every motive for disagreement between the government of the United States and that of the republic of Ecuador, the undersigned offered payment at a stipulated period if the goverment of Ecuador should not make it at an earlier time. But this offer was not considered by them as a favor to the United States but to Ecuador, and it was their purpose to make the payment with the funds which the government of Ecuador should remit to them, or with those which they, acting under its authority, might raise for this object. For this it was that time sufficient was fixed to give room for any such operation, a term which would not have been necessary if the undersigned had assumed the payment in the name of their governments. They desire to give the guarantee of these in favor of Ecuador, to induce the government of the United States to grant their application without fear its indulgence might be abused, respecting at the same time the dignity of both governments.
The undersigned avail of this occasion to renew to the honorable Secretary of State the assurances of their most distinguished consideration.
Hon. William H. Seward, &c., &c., &c.