
Mr. Barreda and Mr. Buruaga to Mr. Seward.

The undersigned, envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary of Peru, and chargé d’affaires of Chili, have the honor to address his excellency the Secretary of State of the United States to express their regret at the difficulties which have supervened with the government of the republic of Ecuador, respecting the first annual payment due from that government in conformity with the terms of the convention of the 25th November, 1862.

In the absence of a representative from Ecuador, the undersigned, who represent friendly and allied governments of that republic, hope the honorable Secretary of State of the United States will accept with kindness their officious action in this matter, which has no other motive than the ardent wish to avert any cause for dissatisfaction between his excellency’s government and that of a republic which forms part of that group of states now combined to resist Spanish aggression.

The undersigned believe that the government of Ecuador earnestly wishes [Page 666] to comply strictly with the engagements she has contracted, and they have reasons to give assurance that only causes independent of her will have had power to occasion the delay which is noticed in the payment of the sum due to the government of the United States.

The government of Ecuador has taken measures to remove these causes, and it is very likely she may already have satisfied or be very nearly ready to satisfy the annual payment which has become due.

To avoid, however, any future difficulty, and induce a continuance of the confidence of the government of the United States in the justice and good faith of that of Ecuador, the undersigned, in the name of their governments, bind themselves to deliver into the treasury of the United States, on the 17th day of September next, the amount of that annual payment, with its legal interest from the 17th February last past, in case that, by the said date of 17th September, the government of Ecuador may not have satisfied it.

The undersigned hope that the honorable Secretary of State may receive this proposition with favor, and obtain from his Excellency the President the action which is desired in this matter, for the purpose of preserving the friendly and cordial relations which happily exist and which they desire may be maintained between the governments of the United States and Ecuador.

The undersigned have the honor to renew to his excellency the Secretary of State of the United States the assurances of their most distinguished consideration;



Hon. William H. Seward, &c., &c., &c.