Mr. Robinson to Mr. Seward.
Sir: A ministry has been organized by General Canseco, as follows:
President of the council and minister of the government, Dr. Francisco J. Mariatequi; minister of foreign relations, Dr. José Manuel La Puente; minister of the war and navy, Colonel José Balta; ministry of the treasury and commerce, Don Thomas Vivero; minister of justice, Don José L. Quiñones.
All the above-named gentlemen have a high reputation for their ability and patriotism. The president of the council, Dr. Mariatequi, is distinguished as a lawyer, having Jong occupied a seat in the supreme court, and is known for the liberalty of his political sentiments, his attachment to the cause of religious toleration, and his ardent devotion to the American question as understood by the South American republics, and commands the fullest confidence of the intelligent and educated people of Peru.
The condition of the country will require the closest attention of the administration, and to restore internal tranquillity throughout the republic, and to relieve the national treasury from its complicated embarrassments, will test not only the skill and ability of the statesmen at the head of the government, but the patience and patriotism of the people at large.
I am, sir, your obedient servant,
Hon. William H. Seward, Secretary of State, Washington, D. C.