Mr. Seward to Mr. Washburn.
Sir: I have to acknowledge the receipt of your despatch of the 10th of August, No.. 65, and of those of the 9th, 23d, and 26th of July, without number.
The channels of communication in Spanish America are too irregular and too much obstructed to render it at all profitable to attempt to maintain punctuality in the acknowledgment and transmission of despatches. Your despatch which bears the date of “Buenos Ayres, August 10th” leads me to understand that even at that late day you had failed in reaching Paraguay. From despatches just received from Mr. Kirk at London, dated at the beginning of this month, I learn that despatches which I had addressed to you and to General Asboth were at that date still remaining in his hands. Under these circumstances all that can be done is to make a record clear and explicit. For that purpose I give you a [Page 604] copy of the correspondence which has just taken place between this department and Mr. Webb, in Brazil. I refrain from making any comment upon the various subjects specially discussed in your despatch.
I am, sir, your obedient servant,
Charles A. Washburn, Esq., &c., &c., &c.