Mr. Molina to Mr. Seward.
Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge receipt of your esteemed note of 26th instant, which did not come to my hands until yesterday, returned from New York, whither, without doubt, it was sent by mistake, in the belief, probably, through some misunderstanding, that I had changed my residence and address.
This circumstance has subjected me to the mortification of not having been able to write to the government or functionaries of Nicaragua on the transit by the same steamer which conveyed the troops of the United States to California, as I proposed to do, in view of the notice previously received from you of the approaching transit through that republic of the troops indicated. I am confident, however, that what I hastened to write on the subject, without precise dates or official advices, will be sufficient to avoid any difficulties.
Convinced that the treaty between Nicaragua and the United States, in which is stipulated the guarantee and innocent use of international transit through that republic, including that of troops and munitions of war, has only failed to reach completion through secondary circumstances foreign to the will of the contracting parties, and certain that my government desires that the United States may enjoy on equal conditions the like advantages of the most favored nations, I have not doubted in taking on myself the responsibility of addressing the governor of San Juan del Norte, asking him to take care that no hindrance be placed in the way of the transit of the recruits referred to, but rather that it be facilitated by the functionaries of that republic, and made report of the whole to my government, moved by entire confidence in and the best wishes toward that of your excellency.
In the same manner I shall transmit to Manageua your esteemed aforesaid note, herewith flattering myself that my conduct will be approved.
I ought, nevertheless, to call the attention of your excellency to the absolute lack of treaties between Nicaragua and the United States, and to the necessity and convenience, even assuming their existence, to comply early enough with those essential formalities which prove and affirm friendship, without diminution or possible drawback under ordinary circumstances.
I ask your excellency to be pleased to receive in the like spirit of frank good will which suggests them to me, and to regard as sufficiently explained the delay which may be imputed to this note.
I have the honor to reiterate to you the assurances of my highest consideration, and am your most obedient servant,
Hon. William H. Seward, &c., &c., &c.