Mr. Seward to Mr. Rousseau.

No. 7.]

Sir: On the 20th of February, 1860, in despatch No. 28, a claim was forwarded from this department to Mr. Clay against the government of Honduras for the lossof the sloop Muhlenberg, which was abandoned by its master, Jacob Lang, at the port of Ruatan, on the refusal of the governor of the island to grant him a clearance; and Mr. Clay was instructed to investigate the claim, and if he found it sufficiently founded, to present it to the government of Honduras. This the department was informed Mr. Clay had done; and on the 10th of last month he transmitted to this department the final reply of the minister for foreign affairs on the subject in question.

From that reply, if the facts therein stated are not controverted by any papers on file at your legation, this department cannot but conclude that the claim in question is untenable, and you are therefore instructed to examine the archives of your legation, and to satisfy yourself as to the reliability of the statement contained in the note of the minister for foreign affairs. You will further inform yourself as to whether it be usual in the port of Ruatan to demand a manifest of the cargo previous to the issuing of a clearance to a vessel. Upon ascertaining these points to your satisfaction, and unless you see reason for a contrary action, which you will at once communicate to this department, you are instructed to discontinue the claim against the government of Honduras.

I am, sir, your obedient servant,


R. H. Rousseau, Esq., &c., &c., &c.