Mr. McCook to Mr. Seward.

No. 9.]

Sir: I have the honor to enclose you the first of exchange drawn by C. Brewer & Co., Honolulu, on C. Brewer & Co., Boston, and payable to my order. It was placed in my hands by A. J. Cartwright, esq., one of the many patriotic American residents here, with the request that it should be devoted to “the erection of a memorial to mark the last resting-place of the gallant and good General James B. McPherson;” or should that have been already done, then “the proceeds to be paid to some soldier’s widow or orphan daughter.”

Accompanying the draft I send you a copy of Mr. Cartwright’s letter, in order that you may more fully understand his wishes, and give to his patriotism and liberality the appreciation they so justly deserve.

I have the honor to be your most obedient servant,


Hon. William H. Seward, Secretary of State, Washington, D. C.

Mr. Cartwright to Mr. McCook.

DEAR Sir: Enclosed please find C. Brewer & Co.’s sight draft on Chas. Brewer & Co., of Boston, your favor, for two hundred dollars, ($200,) United States currency, proceeds of which you will please have applied to the erection of a temporary tablet or memorial to mark the last resting-place of the gallant and good General James B. McPherson. I say temporary, because I have no doubt that the great State of Ohio will in due time do her full duty in this matter, and erect such a lasting monument to the memory of her great soldier and patriot as will fully convince all cavillers that republics are neither ungrateful nor forgetful.

Should my action in this have been anticipated, either by the State or individuals, (and I most sincerely hope it has,) you will please then pay the proceeds to some soldier’s widow or orphan daughter, with the heart’s best wishes of one who feels that he can never pay the debt of gratitude he owes the dead and living soldiers of the Union.

Very truly, yours,


General Edward M. McCook, United States Minister Resident, &c., &c., &c.

The above is the true copy of a letter from Alex. J. Cartwright to General E. M. McCook.

H. B. ROUSE, Secretary of Legation.