Mr. Prevost to Mr. Seward.

No. 9.]

Sir: I have the honor to inform your excellency that since my last despatch to the Department of State, I have had no official communication from the minister [Page 465] of exterior relations at Quito, relative to the protest which I directed to him in compliance to your instructions for having violated the stipulations of the convention of November, 1862; but I learn from private source that it is more than probable that the government of Ecuador will refuse to receive the protest.

The notice of the bombardment of Valparaiso reached this city on the 18th instant, and has created great excitement. The government here are taking some steps towards preventing the Spanish fleet from getting up to this place by erecting a mud fort in one of the short bends of the river, and contemplate throwing a cable across or otherwise obstructing the river.

I have the honor to remain, with great respect, your excellency’s humble servant.

L. V. PREVOST, Acting Secretary of Legation.

Hon. William H. Seward, Secretary of State, Washington, D. C.