Mr. Wright to Mr. Seward.
Sir: As intimated in my last despatch, the armistice between Prussia and Austria has been continued for thirty days. The principal subjects insisted upon by Prussia as preliminary to the cessation of hostilities have received the assent of Austria. In addition to those named in my last despatch, Austria agrees to pay Prussia seventy million francs (about twenty million of Prussian thalers) for her war expenses, and stipulates that Prussia shall remain in possession of Bohemia and Moravia until said sum is paid. Prussia is to retain and control all the railroads leading from the present position of her army to her own country, the two armies remaining in the mean time in statu quo, neither to make advances. The King revoked the order for the meeting of the Prussian Chambers on the 30th of July, and has by royal proclamation ordered the Chambers to convene the Sabbath next, the 5th of August, at which time he will in person open the Parliament, at which time, no doubt, we shall have a summary of the triumphs of Prussia, and the fruits of the great contest.
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I have the honor to be, most respectfully, your obedient servant,
Hon. William H. Seward, Secretary of State, Washington, D. C.