
Mr. Prevost to Mr. Seward.

No. 6.]

Sir: In my despatch No. 4, under date of 22d February, I had the honor to advise your excellency that I had directed a note to Mr. Manuel Bustamente, the minister of exterior relations, under date of 24th of January, informing him that the first instalment of the awards of the mixed commission would be due upon the 17th of February, and that I had been instructed to receive the same in behalf of my government.

Upon the 24th of February I received an official note from Mr. Bustamente, [Page 460] which I transcribe in the enclosure marked A No. 1. I send also a translation of the same, marked B No. 2.

Mr. Bustamente seems to have entirely misunderstood my note, which was written in plain English. I have again written to Mr. Bustamente, informing him that he had entirely misunderstood my note of the 24th of January; that I respectfully requested that he should re-read the note.

* * * * * *

I have the honor, sir, to subscribe myself your excellency’s most obedient servant,

L. V. PREVOST, Acting Secretary of Legation,

Hon. William H. Seward, Secretary of State, Washington, D. C.


Mr. Bustamente to Mr. Prevost.

The undersigned, minister of exterior relations of Ecuador, has the honor to acknowledge receipt to the consul and secretary in charge of the legation of the United States of America of his valued official communication, dated the 24th of January last, advising him that the undersigned will submit the affairs (asuntos) of the mixed commission as they take place for his decision.

The undersigned takes pleasure to offer to Mr. Prevost, &c., &c.