
Señor Asta Buruaga to Mr. Seward.

Sir: I had the honor to receive yesterday your excellency’s esteemed note dated the 10th instant, in which your excellency is pleased to tell me that in consequence of all the belligerents in the war which Spain is waging against the allied republics of the Pacific not having accepted in manner so complete as might justify the hope that the good offices proffered could be effective, at present, for restoring peace, his Excellency the President of this republic deemed it to be his duty not to proceed further in the affair; but that, notwithstanding, he should always sincerely hope for that restoration of peace and cordial relations between the belligerents which could not do less than conduce to the prosperity of all, and to favor the cause of civilization in general.

In acknowledging the receipt of the esteemed note referred to, I have the honor to express to your excellency that my government will understand how to appreciate the motives which have led that of your excellency to adopt the determination stated, although it will always rely upon its continuance in manifestation of the friendly interest which it has designed to take in its course in this respect, for which it is very agreeable to me to renew to your excellency my most expressive and fullest thanks.

I avail of this occasion to reiterate to your excellency the assurances of my highest consideration and esteem.


Hon. William H. Seward, &c., &c., &c.