Mr. Kilpatrick to Mr. Seward.
Sir:. * * * * *
On the 11th of the present month the news of the engagement at Callao on the 2d instant, between the Spanish squadron and the Peruvian batteries, reached this city.
The affair lasted four hours and a half, when the Spaniards retired, several of their vessels being pretty badly injured. Galvez, the minister of war of Peru, was killed by the accidental explosion of a shell. It is currently reported here and believed that Nunez was mortally wounded and has since died; but from letters received from Admiral Pearson, and from other officers of our fleet, I should judge that there is no good foundation for this belief. These letters state that Nunez was quite severely wounded, but that his wounds are not considered dangerous. The loss is variously estimated at from one to three hundred on each side. It is considered here as a great victory for the Peruvians.
On Sunday, the 13th instant, the “Te Deum” was sung at the cathedral, the President and his cabinet and the representatives of the republics allied with Chili being present and participating in the exercises. After the ceremonies at the cathedral, there was a grand military procession, which marched past the legations of the allied republics, saluting their flags and playing their national airs. The whole city was jubilant and exulting.
On the 15th instant, high mass was celebrated in the cathedral by the archbishop for the repose of the souls of those who fell in the action at Callao. The President and other officials of this government and the representatives of those allied with it were present, and there was also a similar military display as on the day of the Te Deum.
Very respectfully, your obedient servant,
Hon. William H. Seward, Secretary of State, Washington, D. C.