Mr. Nelson to Mr. Seward.

No. 237.]

Sir: The sailing of the regular mail steamer having been postponed for twenty-four hours, has afforded me the opportunity of again addressing you.

The Spanish frigate Resolucion has abandoned the blockade of the ports of Tomé and Talcahuano, and yesterday morning arrived at Valparaiso. The gunboat Vencedora arrived the previous evening.

It is said that the Villa de Madrid, flag-ship of Admiral Pareja, sailed for Callao this morning, with the admiral on board. She certainly left Valparaiso for the north.

These movements of the Spanish fleet are supposed to be precursors of hostilities against Peru—the news of the triumph of the revolution in that republic, [Page 364] and of a serious misunderstanding with the Spanish minister at Lima, having been received here on the 26th ultimo.

There is now no blockade of the Chilian coast south of Valparaiso.

I have the honor to remain, very respectfully, your obedient servant,


Hon. William H. Seward, Secretary of State, Washington, D. C.