Mr. Seward to Mr. Webb.

No. 190.]

Sir: Your despatch No. 16, of the 24th September, has been received. So far as the war between Brazil and her allies against Paraguay is concerned, I refer you to the despatch which I addressed you on the 10th instant, No. 189.

The suggestion made to you has been conveyed to each of the other belligerents.

The protests by Peru and the other allied and protesting republics against the secret treaty of the allies have been received.

A despatch received from Mr. Washburn, under date of the 12th of September, shows that at that date he was yet remaining at Buenos Ayres; his detention and delay constitute a subject of discontent. I give you (confidentially) a copy of his despatch* and of the reply* I have made thereto, with a hope that in some way you may facilitate a solution of whatever difficulty may occur.

I am, sir, your obedient servant,


James Watson Webb, Esq., &c., &c., &c.

  1. For enclosure see correspondence with the United States minister to Paraguay.