Mr. F. W. Seward to Mr. Webb.
No. 187.]
Department of State,
October 4, 1866.
Sir: Mr. Lidgerwood’s despatch No. 14, of the
5th of July last, upon the occasion of the departure of Professor
Agassiz from Brazil, has been received. The fact which it mentions with
reference to the liberal courtesy shown by the Brazilian authorities to
that eminent man may be regarded as showing an appreciation of his
merits which reflects credit on those authorities.
They are received, also, here as a peculiar kindness to a distinguished
citizen which warrants this department in making direct acknowledgments
thereof. A letter to the minister for foreign affairs to that effect is
consequently enclosed, which you will take a proper opportunity to
I am, sir, your obedient servant,
E. W. SEWARD, Acting
James Watson Webb, Esq., &c., &c., &c.
Mr. Seward to the Minister for Foreign Affairs of Brazil.
Department of State,
Washington, October 4, 1866.
Sir: This department has learned with much
sensibility of the kindness and courtesy shown by the authorities of
Brazil to that distinguished man of science, Professor Louis
Agassiz, during his recent visit for professional purposes to your
interesting empire. The course of those authorities on the occasion
referred to is regarded as showing an appreciation of the importance
of Professor Agassiz’s researches which does them honor, and a
regard for him personally as a citizen of the United States,
requiring this special acknowledgment, which I have been directed by
the President to make.
I avail myself of this occasion to render to you the assurances of my
most distinguished consideration.
His Excellency the Minister for Foreign
of his Majesty the Emperor of Brazil.