Mr. Kirk to Mr. Seward.
Sir: * * * * * *
On Sunday, the 6th instant, Congress convened in his city, and agreeably to invitation I was present at the opening. I send by this mail one copy of the vice-president’s message in Spanish, and its translation, as published in the English paper. I have marked the part which refers to the United States, (and which is as follows :)
“The successful conclusion of the American war has caused joy to all free countries. The Argentine Republic regards it as a triumph of democratic institutions, and laments the horrible crime which cut off the President of the United States, and communicated to the Hon. Mr. Kirk, resident minister, the national grief caused by this act. Abraham Lincoln, for his lofty virtues, and for the grandeur of the work which he completed for his country and humanity, merits the homage and veneration of the world.
[Page 283]“President Johnson has received our minister to the States with the most marked attention. The object of this mission to the States is not merely to bind more firmly our friendly relations, but also to study the institutions, and try if possible to discover the secret which in such a short space of time has secured for the Union such unexampled prosperity.”
On the 2d instant the belligerents had a severe engagement in Paraguay, and from what I can learn the allies (although they claim a decided victory) suffered much more than the Paraguayans. I will not attempt to give you the details of the matter. Mr. Washburn who is near the scene of action, will be able to give you more reliable information.
The most of the day has been spent in making official calls; the vice-president and his ministers expressed the warmest feelings of friendship for our government, and for me personally, and tendered me a barge to take me to the steamer, which I thought it policy to accept.
I have the honor to be your obedient servant,
Hon. William H. Seward, Secretary of State, Washington, D. C.