Mr. Seward to Mr. Kirk.

No. 104]

Sir: We have learned with much surprise that Charles A. Washburn, esq., minister resident of the United States to the republic of Paraguay, has been hindered and detained at or near Corrientes, on the Parana river, by the allied [Page 281] armies engaged in the war against Paraguay, on his return, after a leave of absence, to Asuncion, the capital of Paraguay.

I give you for your information a copy of*instructions which have been sent to him in this emergency. We sincerely hope to learn that the President of the Argentine Republic has neither ordered nor approved of this hindrance to the passage of the diplomatic representative of the United States, so disrespectful in itself, and so entirely inconsistent with the law of nations.

You will bring the subject to the notice of the government of the Argentine republic, and ask an explanation.

I am, sir, your obedient servant,


Robert C. Kirk, Esq., &c., &c., &c.

Same to Mr. Webb, No. 170.

  1. For enclosures see instructions to Mr. Washburn, Nos. 43 and 45.