Mr. F. W. Seward to Mr. King.
Sir: Since the date of the instruction addressed to you in answer to your despatch No. 33, of the 23d ultimo, a letter has been received at this department from Mr. Holt, the Judge Advocate General, in which he states that it has been ascertained that the name of the person supposed to be alluded to in your despatch is Henri Beaumont de St. Marie. He is represented to be about five feet eight inches in height, thirty years old, of a dark complexion, with black hair, with sharp, piercing eyes.
Mr. Holt suggests that if he should make a statement in regard to Surratt’s confession, there should be embodied in it his entire name, together with the [Page 132] circumstances of his sojourn in the United States, if he were ever here, mentioning dates, places, &c., as well as the names of some of the persons with whom he was associated. This, Mr. Holt thinks, will make the question of identity one of easy solution.
I am, sir, your obedient servant,
Rufus King, Esq., &c., &c., &c.