Mr. Seward to Mr. Tassara.

Sir: Official information has just been received at this department that a steamer is now fitting out at New Orleans for the purpose of taking a cargo of negroes from some point near Pensacola, Florida, to Cuba. The name of the vessel, formerly a blockade-runner and reported to be a fleet sailer, is said to be the Virgin, and Friday next is given as the day of her departure. It is also reported that another vessel, bound 011 the same errand, will follow in a day or two, should the sailing of the first one not be intercepted.

I will thank you to communicate the above facts to his excellency the [Page 616] Captain General of Cuba, with a view to thwart the proposed design of landing negroes from the United States on the coast of Cuba.

I avail myself of this occasion to offer to yon, sir, renewed assurances of my highest consideration.


Señor Don Gabriel Garcia y Tassara, &c., &c., &c.