Mr. F. W. Seward to Mr. Williams
No. 24.]
Department of State, Washington,
February 24, 1866.
Sir: I transmit to you a copy of a note of the
21st instant, which has been addressed to this department by Mr. De
Figaniere é Morao, the diplomatic representative of Portugal, accredited
to this government, who has been directed by his government to ask the
co-operation of the United States minister at Peking, with that of the
Portuguese minister at that place, in bringing to a satisfactory
conclusion any negotiations now pending or which may arise between
Portugal and China.
You are accordingly instructed to lend such assistance as may be in your
power, in order to accomplish the desired result.
I am, sir, your obedient servant,
F. W. SEWARD, Acting
S. Wells Williams, Esq., &c., &c., &c.
His Most Faithful Majesty’s
Legation, In Charlestown,
February 21, 1866.
Sir: I am directed by his Majesty’s
government to have the honor to inform you that untoward
circumstances have hitherto prevented the exchange of the
ratifications of the treaty negotiated and signed at Tien-Sing, on
the 13th of August, 1862, between Portugal and China; that being
fully aware of the efficiency of the influence and good offices of
the American minister at Peking to bring that negotiation, or any
other that supervening circumstances might require, to a
satisfactory conclusion; and that gratefully remembering the
services rendered and acknowledged on a like occasion by minister
Townsend Harris, at Yeddo, Japan, his Majesty’s government does not
hesitate to apply to the United States government and request it
would be pleased so to instruct its said minister in Peking, that,
with the assurance of his effective assistance, the minister of
Portugal in that empire may prosecute the negotiations intrusted to
him with the persistency required in diplomatic dealings with the
Chinese government.
I shall be happy, sir, to assure my government that its request has
had a favorable response, and beg you to accept the renewed
assurances of my great consideration.