
Mr. Romero to Mr. Seward

Mr. Romero presents his respects to Mr. Seward, and has the honor to transmit to him a copy of extracts of a letter he has received from Paris, dated the 3d instant, and written by a reliable person, noticing the departure of forces from Oran for Mexico about the end of January last.

Hon. William H. Seward, &c., &c., &c.


Much Esteemed Friend:* * * * * * * *

I must inform you that a regiment of the Foreign Legion, consisting of twelve hundred men, left Oran for Vera Cruz, seven days ago, in a vessel that came for them from Toulon, after taking on a quantity of ammunition there.

This was done in the greatest secrecy; even the newspapers do not mention it. It is likely the United States consul in Algiers or Oran has informed his government of it.

It is also certain that arrangements are pending between Paris and Vienna to send an army corps of Austrians to Mexico.

Señor Don Matias Romero, Washington.