
Mr. Romero to Mr. Seward

Mr. Secretary: In confirmation of what I had the honor of communicating to you in my note of the 20th of October last, relative to the object of the colonization plan adopted by the usurper in Mexico, I now have the honor of transmitting to you a copy, in English, of the so-called five decrees of the ex-Archduke of Austria, promulgated in September previous, in which he names Mr. M. F. Maury, a declared enemy of the United States, as honorary counsellor of state, and imperial commissioner of colonization, and Mr. J. B. Magruder, also a declared enemy of this government, as chief of the colonization land office.

In the third of said decrees you will observe, in confirmation of what I communicated to your department, about the nature of the colonization to be made in Mexico, that Mr. Maury has been authorized to establish agencies in the States of Virginia, North and South Carolina, Texas, Missouri, and California, and in the cities of Mobile and New Orleans, which plainly shows they only think to get men from the south, and precisely from those States where they suppose there are most malcontents against this government. It is a very significant fact that not one single agency is established in the northern States, which were faithful to the Union of this government during the last civil war.

I also enclose a copy, in English, of the circular issued on the 5th of October, by Mr. Maury, as imperial commissioner of colonization.

I embrace this occasion of renewing to you, Mr. Secretary, the assurances of my most distinguished consideration.


Hon. William H. Seward, &c., &c., &c. Washington City, D. C.

[Enclosure No. 1.]


In consideration of his well-known capacity, I hereby nominate our honorary counsellor of state, M. F. Maury, imperial commissioner of colonization.

The minister of the interior is charged with the execution of this decree.


For the Emperor:

LUIS ROBLES PEZUELA, Minister of the Interior.

Mexico, September 27, 1865.


Our honorary counsellor of state, M. F. Maury, is authorized to establish the office of imperial commissioner of colonization at No. 13 San Juan de Letran street, and our minister of the interior is authorized to rent the said property at a sum not to exceed one hundred dollars per month.


To the Minister of the Interior.

For the Emperor:


Chapultepec, September 24, 1865.


Our honorary counsellor of state, M. F. Maury, is authorized to appoint seven agents of colonization in the following States and cities of the United States: Virginia, North and South [Page 527] Carolina, Texas, Missouri, California, New Orleans, Mobile. Said agents shall receive one hundred dollars per month as Compensation, and the further sum of three hundred dollars per annum for necessary expenses.


To the Minister of Interior.

For the Emperor:

LUIS ROBLES PEZUELA, Minister of the Interior.

Chapultepec, September 24, 1865.


The following sums are appropriated for the office of Senior Maury, honorary counsellor of state and imperial commissioner of colonization: Office furniture, $150; expenses of office, annually, $500; for one clerk, annually, $1,200; for one private messenger, annually, $300.

Our minister of the interior is charged with the execution of this order.


To the Minister of the Interior.

For the Emperor:

LUIS ROBLES PEZUELA, Minister of the Interior.

Chapultepec, September 27, 1865.

The following is the decree of Maximilian appointing the rebel General Magruder as chief of the land office of colonization:


Desiring to forward the object of immigration to Mexico, a land office of colonization shall be established in this capital, and J. B. Magruder is hereby appointed its chief. The following sums are appropriated for the expenses of this office: For salary of J. B. Magruder, annually, $3,000; for office furniture, annually, $150; for rent of office, monthly, $100; for office expenses, annually, $500; for pay of messenger, annually, $300.

Señor Magruder will report to us the number of engineers and surveyors which will be necessary to carry into effect the objects of his appointment, and also the amount which he recommends to be appropriated for their salary.

The minister of the interior is charged with the execution of this order.


To the Minister of the Interior.

For the Emperor:

LUIS ROBLES PEZUELA. Minister of the Interior.

[Enclosure No. 2.]

The Mexico Times of October 14 prints the following circular:

No. 13 Calle de San Juan Letran, Mexico, October 5, 1865.

To the land-owners of Mexico:

All who desire to encourage immigration, and have lands to sell, are hereby informed that if they will make known to this office the terms and conditions upon which they are willing to dispose of them to actual settlers, this office, if the terms are favorable, will, without fee or charge of any sort, assist, through its agents abroad and by advertisements, such owners in bringing their lands to the notice of the immigrant.

It will also, in the case of lands which are offered upon terms that are sufficiently inviting to immigrants, cause them to be examined at the public expense. If found suitable as to health, quality, and location, it will have them surveyed and mapped, also without any expense to the owners, furnishing each with a copy of the survey of his own land.

The terms upon which offers are made will be regarded as confidential, if so desired; and in all cases the colonists and land-owners will be left free to make and consummate their own bargains according to the offers made through this office. In surveying and bringing these lands into market, preference will be given to those which, on account of terms, situation, and quality, offer the greatest inducements to immigrants.

M. F. MAURY, Imperial Commissioner of Colonization,