Mr. L. de Geofroy to Mr. Hunter
Sir: It would follow, from reports worthy of credit, that certain persons propose to profit of the disarmament, and the order which takes off the prohibition of the exportation of munitions of war, by organizing expeditions to Mexico.
At New York, at Philadelphia, and even at Washington, they would recruit men, and prepare shipments of arms. I shall take care to communicate to you separately all the information I have received and which I shall receive in this respect.
[Page 434]I confine myself here to calling the most serious attention of the government of the United States to these manœuvres, and to the complications to which they would lead, in consequence of the presence of our troops in Mexico.
The legislation of the United States furnishes to the executive power not only the means to repress, but also to arrest any enterprise of a nature to disturb the good relations between the Union and friendly nations.
I pray you, therefore, sir, to be so good as to bring this condition of things as soon as possible to the knowledge of his excellency the President of the republic, who will determine what are the most efficient measures to be taken in order to remedy it.
I seize this occasion to renew to you, sir, the assurances of my most distinguished consideration.
Hon. William Hunter, &c., &c., &c.