Mr. Seward to Mr.
No. 194.]
Department of State,
July 10, 1865.
Sir: Referring to previous instructions on the
subject of the fraudulent and illegal removal of property belonging to
the United States to the Mexican side of the Rio Grande, I now enclose
for your information, and as illustrating the importance of the early
attention of the imperial government being given to our demand for the
restoration of that property to the authorities of this government, a
copy of a telegram of the 6th instant from Major General Sheridan to
General Rawlins, chief of staff of Lieutenant General Grant.
I am, sir, your obedient servant,
John Bigelow, Esq., &c., &c., &c.
[Page 402]
Office U. S. Military Telegraph, War
The following telegram received in
cipher at Washington 3 a.m. July 8, 1865:
Headquarters Military Division
of the Gulf, New
Orleans, July 6,
General: Affairs on the Rio Grande frontier
are getting beautifully mixed up. Cortinas has arrived, and now has
his headquarters six miles from Matamoras, and has driven in Mejia’s
pickets. He also captured the steamer Senorita and took her over to
the other side of the river for safety, and she was taken down to
Rio Grande City and seized by General Brown. I do not know exactly
how it is as yet.
Mejia replied to General Steele’s demand for battery and other
property taken across the Rio Grande, that he had no authority to
comply with the demand, but would refer it to the imperial
government. This is just what I expected, and only confirms my
former impression, that the property can only be obtained when we go
and take it.
General Steele says the French officers and soldiers are very bitter
against our people, and writes me that a grandson of Marshal Ney,
with two thousand French cavalry, is reported approaching Matamoras,
and that he is very bitter, and says he is going to invade Texas.
The feeling of the people in the interior of Mexico is very bitter,
while the natives, soldiers and all, are said to be with our
government, and want to get rid of French rule. Ringgold barracks is
occupied by our troops.
Major General Commanding.
General John A. Rawlins, Chief of Staff.