Mr. Seward to Mr.
No. 92.]
Department of State,
September 5, 1865.
Sir: Your interesting despatches, No. 118 and
No. 119, both dated July 13,. and No. 120, without date, have been
Upon the recommendation of the Surgeon General, to whom Was submitted,
without loss of time, your No. 120, relative to the ravages of the
cholera in the Turkish empire, the attention of the governors of the
various States has been invited to the facts set forth by you, with a
view to the prompt establishment of rigid quarantine regulations, to
prevent, if possible, the introduction of cholera into this country.
Herewith I enclose a copy of the accompaniment of the letter addressed
by this department to the governors of States.
I am, sir, your obedient servant,
E. Joy Morris, Esq., &c., &c., &c., Constantinople.
[Page 304]
Department of State,
September 1, 1865.
His Excellency the Governor of the State
Sir: Your excellency’s serious attention is
invited to the accompanying letter of the acting Surgeon General of
the army, to whom the despatch from the United States minister at
Constantinople, which it mentions, was referred. The expediency of
adopting quarantine measures for the purpose of preventing the
introduction of Asiatic cholera into this country seems well worthy
of consideration.
I have the honor to be your excellency’s obedient servant,
Surgeon General’s Office,
Washington City, D. C.,
August 29, 1865.
Sir: In the absence of the Surgeon General,
I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your communication of
the 24th instant, enclosing despatch from Mr. Morris, minister
resident of the United States at Constantinople, relative to the
ravages of the cholera in that quarter, &c, and would most
respectfully recommend that the attention of the governors of States
be invited to the facts contained therein, with a view to the prompt
establishment of rigid quarantine regulations to prevent, if
possible, the introduction of cholera into this country.
The despatch from Mr. Morris and enclosed paper are herewith
respectfully returned. Very respectfully, your obedient servant,
C. H. CRANE, Acting Surgeon
Hon. William H. Seward, Secretary of State.