Mr. Morris to Mr. Hunter
Sir: I have the honor to transmit, enclosed, addresses of condolence on the death of President Lincoln from the British residents of Constantinople and the printed account of the proceedings in connexion with the same, and from the native Protestant community of this place, through their head, Mr. Seropyan. That of the British residents represents almost the entire English colony of Constantinople, and contains very notable names belonging to it.
I beg that you will do the American community of Constantinople the honor to express to President Johnson their unqualified confidence in his ability to administer the government, and their assurance that through his firmness of purpose, energy and character, and long experience in public affairs, and his eminent capacity, the evils of the late civil war, will soon be repaired, and the republic be restored to its pristine integrity and tranquillity. I venture also to express the remark that among foreigners the conviction prevails that the present head of the United States government is a statesman of unusual force of character and intellect. Whatever errors may have existed on this subject have already been dispelled.
I visited the grand vizier and minister of foreign affairs a fews days since and took occasion to give them a correct estimate of the public career, characteristics, and ability of President Johnson. They thanked me for the information, [Page 294] and assured me they would take great pleasure in communicating my statements to his Majesty the Sultan, who, as a sincere and undeviating friend of the Union, would be pleased to know that a statesman of such tried capacity, private worth, and elevated traits of character, now presided over the American republic.
General Marquez, a special envoy from the so-called emperor Maximilian of Mexico, has arrived here for the purpose of delivering to the Sultan the decoration of the Order of Guadaloupe.
I have the honor to be, very respectfully, your obedient servant,
Hon. William Hunter, Acting Secretary of State.
(For enclosures see Appendix, separate volume.)