
Mr. Morris to Mr. Seward.

No. 106.]

Sir: * * * * * * As an example of the energy and zeal of the Sultan in military affairs, I may mention the fact that 40,000 Enfield rifles have recently been imported for the use of the army, and that within a short time 200,000 rifles of the best quality will be manufactured by the domestic arsenals and be placed in the hands of the troops. Five years ago the troops used only the flint-lock muskets, of a range of only 250 paces; now they are to be equipped with rifles carrying 3,300 feet. In addition to this, such improvements have been made in the imperial gun machine shops at Zeitun Bournon that 52,000 rifles of the Enfield system, called interchangeable, can be manufactured per annum. Active preparations are also making in the government machine shops for the manufacture of rifled cannon of iron and steel, of wrought iron of the largest calibre, for the arming of the new fortifications in construction on the Dardanelles and Bosphorus, and the frontiers of European and Asiatic Turkey, and for the iron-clad vessels under construction in England and at Constantinople. All these measures show a knowledge on the part of the Sultan of the perils of the empire, and his determination to meet them.

The recent series of Union victories have produced a general belief that the rebel cause is hopeless, and that the complete triumph of Union and liberty are near at hand. The liberal journals of Europe, almost without exception, are favorable to the success of the Union government, looking upon it as closely connected with the progress of civil and religious liberty in the Old World. The downfall of the Union would be the downfall of liberty in Europe and the herald of despotic reaction, and for this reason every friend of humanity on this side of the Atlantic rejoices in the victories that so signally prove the ability of the American republic to sustain its own existence, and in the mighty power it has displayed in the present struggle between the conflicting interests of freedom and slavery.

With great respect, your obedient servant,


Hon. William H. Seward, Secretary of State.