Mr. Portman to Mr. Seward
Sir: As soon as intelligence was received here that the President had approved the Pacific Mail Steamship Company bill, I united with the minister of France and chargé d’affaires of Great Britain in applying to this government for a lot of land suitable for a coal depot for each of the three steamship companies. [Page 251] It is expected that, at an early day, the French company of the Messageries Imperiales will, like the British Peninsular and Oriental Steamship Company, make Yokohama the terminus of their line.
I have now the honor to inform you that I received a letter from this government to the effect that the governor of Kanagawa has been authorized to grant a lot for that purpose.
I am aware that our Pacific Mail Steamship Company is not expected to go into operation before 1867, but in view of the increasing prosperity and commercial importance of Yokohama, a suitable lot might not then be procurable, except at a heavy outlay.
I hope you will be pleased to approve of my action in this matter.
I have the honor to be, sir, very respectfully, your most obedient servant,
Hon. William H. Seward, Secretary of State, Washington.