Mr. Seward to Mr. Harrington
Sir: In presenting your letter of credence to his excellency the President of the Swiss confederation, it will be proper for you, while assuring him of the friendly sentiments of the government and people of this country, to state that the United States, during their recent struggle for unity and for the supremacy of their national government, have, among other adverse influences, had to contend with a disposition, at least on the part of some foreign powers, to interfere in the contest. In opposing this disposition they have not been unmindful that the integrity of the Swiss government was under similar circumstances externally threatened; but the Swiss nation, by prudence and firmness, successfully averted the danger. The recollection of that successful achievement of Swiss wisdom and virtue had no small effect in cheering us and enabling us to persevere in the same course.
I am, sir, your obedient servant,
George Harrington, Esq., &c., &c., Berne.