Mr. Campbell to Mr. Seward
No. 28.]
Legation of the United States,
November 4, 1865.
Sir: Herewith I enclose a copy of the opening
address of the King of Sweden and Norway, read to the Norwegian
Storthing at the recent meeting of that body, and which was transmitted
to this legation by the Swedish Foreign Office, together with a
translation of the same.
No question of more than ordinary local interest is pending or will be
laid before the Storthing at its present session, with the exception of
a military measure intended to give the King more immediate control of
the Norwegian troops, a proposition which, in my judgment, the careful
and jealous Norwegians are not prepared to adopt.
Since the separation of Norway from Danish authority, the former has
gradually and steadily increased in material prosperity. Last year the
fisheries yielded abundantly, and the export of lumber and cattle showed
considerable improvements over former years. The country gives manifest
evidence of progress in various directions, and under a system of
government which allows great freedom to the Norwegian, its continued
well-doing may be expected.
I have the honor to be your obedient servant,
Hon. William H. Seward,
Secretary of State, &c., &c.,
Discourse of the King at the opening of the
eighteenth Storthing of Norway,5th
October, 1865.
Sirs: In regretting that circumstances do
not permit me to assist in person at the commencement of your
labors, I transmit to you the expression of my royal good will, and
I wish you all prosperity in the accomplishment of your important
[Page 206]
During the epoch which has passed since the assembling of the last
ordinary Storthing, our industry, notwithstanding partial reverses,
has prospered to such an extent that the state revenues have flowed
abundantly into its coffers. The extraordinary expenses for our
system of defence, caused last year by political circumstances, have
thus been able to be met without creating any embarrassment in the
administration of the finances. The projects communicated by me to
the last ordinary Storthing on the subject of several questions
relating to a more satisfactory organization of the army, were only
partially adopted. After the dissolution of the Storthing, I
announced my intention of submitting them to a further examination.
This work being finished, I submit to you the projects based on its
results. I rely upon your enlightened love of country in nourishing
the hope that the Storthing, while the general situation admits of a
calm and deep reflection, will arrive at a result which I consider
as answering the urgent necessity of a satisfactory military
The debates which took place at the last ordinary Storthing
concerning the reform of the judicial procedure in criminal matters
has shown that there exists a great difference of opinion, not only
respecting the necessity of such a reform, but also respecting the
principles on which it should be based and the extension which
should be given to it. It appeared to me that all these opinions
agreed in recognizing the fact that the time for placing in
execution a thorough principal reform has not yet arrived. But this
should not prevent the reform of these acknowledged partial defects
of the mode of judicial procedure, and a legal project tending to
this end will be submitted to you.
A commission of Norwegians and Swedes has been formed to take into
consideration the ameliorations that could be introduced into the
compact of union between the two kingdoms. This commission commenced
its labors in the spring of the present year, but several of its
members finding themselves unable to continue them, on account of
their labors as members of the Storthing and of the Diet, the
commission has been obliged to adjourn during the reunion of the
national representatives, and cannot reassemble until a later
period. The documents relative to the formation of this commission
will be communicated to you.
Treaties of commerce and navigation have been concluded with his
Majesty the Emperor of the French. The United Kingdoms have by these
treaties acquired the same advantages for commerce and navigation
with France that that country had accorded by analogous treaties to
other powers of Europe. In taking into consideration the importance
of our commercial relations with France, and that of navigation
between the two countries, I look at the reductions obtained by
these treaties as being of essential worth, and I have learned with
sincere satisfaction of the favorable reception that this measure
has met with in Norway. Concessions have been exacted from us of the
same kind as have been accorded to other powers who have concluded
treaties with France. Several of them assuming the concurrence of
representation, the validity of the treaties has been submitted, in
that which concerns Norway, to the approval of the Storthing. The
project relative to this question will be submitted to you.
The exhibition of articles belonging to the industry of fishing,
which took place during the course of the summer at Bergen, and
which is the first industrial international exhibition of Norway,
has offered a satisfactory testimony of a tendency towards progress,
and will aid to bring important and durable results for one of our
principal branches of industry. The marked good will of several
powers and foreign nations in favor of this enterprise has
established their claims to our gratitude.
The Storthing will receive with satisfaction the communication of the
happy increase of the royal house by the birth of a prince, with
whom Providence has again pleased to bless the union of my
well-loved brother, his royal highness Prince Oscar.
Our relations with all the foreign powers continue to be marked by
confidence and friendship.
In calling the blessing of the All Powerful upon your labors, I renew
to you, sirs, the assurance of my royal good will.
Given at the palace of
Stockholm, September 30, 1865.