Mr. Wood to Mr. Seward
Sir: I have had audience with the King, delivered my letter of recall, and assured him (as directed) of the sincere desire of the President to maintain unimpaired the friendly relations so happily existing between the two countries. His Majesty reciprocated this assurance in the kindest and most cordial manner, and requested me to convey to the President the high estimation and regard in which he held him, and (as by the tenor of my instructions I am requested to communicate what was said, or I should not do it) he also requested me to convey to the President his thanks for my having been appointed a minister resident near this court, and for the kind and considerate manner in which I had discharged my official duties. He was evidently solicitous about our anomalous relations with Great Britain, and wished to know my opinion.
I have yet to have audience with some of the members of the royal family.
I remain, &c., &c., very respectfully, your obedient servant,
Hon. William H. Seward, Secretary of State.