Mr. Seward to Mr. Fogg.
Sir: The consul general of Switzerland in this city Mr. John Hitz, has transmitted to this department, by request of the federal chancellor of his government, a communication inviting the United States to participate in the proceedings of a congress which is to assemble at Geneva, on the 8th of next month, for the purpose of taking into consideration the means for the better care of wounded men in time of war. Mr. Hitz has been informed that the answer to this invitation would be communicated to you. The object of the proposed congress is certainly laudable and important, and the department sees no objection to your being present on the occasion. You are therefore authorized to attend the meeting in an informal manner, for the purpose of giving or receiving such suggestions as you may think likely to promote the humane ends which have prompted it.
It is hardly necessary to add that your presence at the congress would be improper if any of the insurgent emissaries of the United States in Europe should be permitted to take part in its proceedings.
I am, sir, your obedient servant,
George G. Fogg, Esq., &c., &c., &c., Berne.