Mr. Wood to Bishop Mourad.

Sir: In acknowledging the receipt of the note of the 19th instant, on the part of his excellency, from Mr. Vedel, in relation to the Bremen and Hamburg steamers, I can assure his Majesty’s government that its willingness to receive a suggestion (not a demand) from the United States will give great satisfaction to that government. The Bremen steamers carrying the United States mails are the Bremen, the New York, the Hansa, and the America. [Page 340] The Hamburg steamers engaged in like service are the Leutonia, Bavaria, Borussia, Saxonia, Hammonia, and Germania. A Mr. Hansen (No. 5 Lol-bodreien) is their agent in this city.

The last despatch from my government approves of my course here in relation to his Majesty’s government, and the assurances I have given that the United States will be strictly neutral, and not permit the arming, fitting out, or equipping of any armed vessel against Denmark or the commerce of this kingdom.

With assurances of distinguished consideration, I remain your obedient servant,

BRADFORD R. WOOD, Minister Resident.

His Excellency Bishop Mourad, Minister of Foreign Affairs.

P. S.—I have just learned that the Bremen steamers are sailing under a neutral flag, and that Mr. Hansen is not agent for the Hamburg steamers.
