Commander Preble to Mr. Harvey.

Sir:Your communication of this day and date is received. Agreeably to your request, I have to say that the statement made to you, that I addressed a letter to the governor of Madeira “complimentary of his conduct towards the rebel cruiser Florida when the commander of that vessel applied for coal and provisions, on or about the 29th of February last, is false. I had no written communication on any subject with the governor of Madeira, nor did I express my approval of his course, in any manner, verbal or otherwise, and I have reason to believe Mr. Bayman did not; but he can best answer. We neither of us approved of or assented to the Florida being supplied with any coals, or other stores. That the Florida obtained more than the 20 tons allowed, I have reason to believe, and so communicated to Mr. Bayman from Teneriffe; what that quantity was cannot be known on board the St. Louis, but I presume can be obtained from the records of the custom-house at Madeira or the books of Messrs. Blandy & Co., who supplied her.

As she had 75 tons on board when she arrived, and applied for 110 tons, and three days after leaving Madeira took on board 75 to 80 tons at Teneriffe, I judge she may have obtained from 40 to 50 tons. The agents of the Florida managed the coaling business badly. Two or three cargoes were afloat in the roads, and could have been ordered to sea to meet the Florida at any appointed rendezvous without our being able to prevent it. I enclose two or three notes from Mr. Bayman to me bearing on the subject. The new orders to the governors of the Portuguese Islands not’ having been communicated to me officially, and as my knowledge of them is derived from Portuguese officials, I cannot say how far they would authorize a refusal to supply the Florida with coals; but I understood the governor to say, in supplying her he was governed by his old instructions, and that the new orders did not meet her case.

I am, sir, your obedient servant,

GEORGE HENRY PREBLE, Commander, U. S. Navy.

Hon. James E. Harvey, United States Minister Resident, Lisbon.