Mr. Bayman to Governor Perdigao.

Most Illustrious and Excellent Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge your letter dated this day, the contents of which I have communicated to Captain Preble, of the United States sailing corvette St. Louis. I am requested by him to express our joint thanks to your excellency for your promptness in preventing unnecessary aid being given to the so-called Confederate States steamer Florida, cruising for the purpose of destroying unarmed merchant vessels belonging to the United States.

I am also requested by Captain Preble to say, that it is a source of pleasure to be able to comply with the wishes of the governors abroad, when, as is usually the case, they are in accordance with his duty to his own government, and in harmony with the rules and regulations laid down by foreign governments, all of which he is directed rigidly to observe.

I have the honor to be, most excellent and illustrious sir, your most obedient servant,

ROBERT BAYMAN, United States Vice-Consul.

His Excellency Jacintho Antonio Perdigao, Civil Governor of the Island of Madeira.