
Most Illustrious Sir: Having been informed by the captain of this port that the commander of the ship Florida, south American corsair, now at anchor here, had declared himself unable to leave this port, in compliance with the intimation made to him by my orders, seeing that he was in want of provisions, water, and coals; and I having resolved that, in view of the duties of humanity, which must be extended to him, and which do not compromise other duties, equally sacred, of loyalty towards the flag of a friendly nation, he should be permitted to furnish himself with whatever provisions and water he may require, and with twenty tons of coals, which I consider sufficient to enable him to leave this port without danger, and to cook provisions on board, I now inform you hereof, in order that you may be pleased to authorize the shipment of the said quantity of coals, and using your supervision in not allowing these limits to be exceeded.

God preserve you.


Most Illustrious Director of Customs, Funchal.