From Mr. Harvey.

Sir:From information communicated to this legation, there is reason to apprehend that a rendezvous has been appointed at the Azores or other islands of this kingdom between certain rebel cruisers now in France and various vessels under the British flag, one of which is called the bark Agrippina, for the purpose of receiving military supplies with a view of renewing depredations upon the commerce of the United States.

That fact has been made known to his Majesty’s government, by which efficient steps have been taken to prevent the menaced outrages.

In order that you may be more fully informed of the dispositions entertained here, and thus be better prepared to co-operate more effectively and harmoniously with the local authorities, I transmit herewith a copy of a royal portaria on this subject.

The necessity of frank and cordial concert with all the authorities in regard to suspicious vessels is enjoined by the peculiar circumstances of the situation, by duty to our own government, and by good faith towards as well as respect for that of his Majesty.

The Mindello, a Portuguese war steamer, has been despatched to the islands to assist in carrying out these measures, and to aid in giving the desired protection. It is to be hoped that every proper courtesy will be extended to the officers of that ship by the representatives of the United States at all the ports where she may touch, so as to testify the appreciation of our government for an act of exceptional zeal and good will in behalf of the interests of its citizens.

All agents of the United States connected with your consulate should be forthwith directed to exercise unusual vigilance, and to report every fact in any way bearing upon the matter of instruction. It is also desirable that you should make known promptly to this legation whatever information may be received.

I am, sir, your obedient servant,


C. W. Dabney, Esq., United States Consul, Fayal.

George True, Esq., United States Consul, Funchal.

W. H. Morse, Esq., United States Consul, Cape Verde,