Mr. Judd to Mr. Seward.

No. 71.]

Sir:The affairs of the legation during my absence for the summer have been conducted by Mr. Kreismann with his usual care, promptness, and ability.

Baron Gerolt has been in Berlin for the last ten days. His enthusiasm for our cause, his thorough knowledge of our public affairs, and of the origin of [Page 224] the rebellion, together with his firm conviction of the ultimate triumph of the government, have had a most favorable and beneficial influence in government circles here. His position has enabled him to talk freely to the king, queen, and crown prince, as well as to the circles, mostly military, that surround them. His influence, however, has not been confined to that circle, but has reached other influential personages. I feel that the baron is entitled to our earnest thanks for his earnestness and untiring zeal in presenting the facts connected with our struggle, and the conviction which he has impressed upon others of the ultimate and not far distant triumph of the cause of the government.

The campaign of the past summer shows conclusively that the end of the rebellion is visible, and your advice to the people at Auburn, “to have their souls in patience,” embraces the whole philosophy of the position, and, if acted upon, will relieve the government of the pressure of increasing impatience. The brilliant termination of Sherman’s long and arduous campaign, the old admiral lashed to the topmast, fighting his splendid battles at Mobile, and Grant’s almost daily pounding of Lee, ought to satisfy the most unreasoning; and my belief is, that you have passed the lowest ebb, both in military events and of the public depression; and that the only harbor of safety—a complete and undivided Union—is before you.

The peace negotiation between the allies and Denmark “drags its slow length along”—a situation which quite pleases Herr Von Bismarck, always provided there is no final rupture between Prussia and Austria. Bismarck expects to acquire title; and if not title, at any rate a strong interest in the duchies by occupation. The people of the duchies feel to-day that they have changed “king log for king stork.” They are allowed no more voice in the settlement of their own fate and destiny than any other conquered country is allowed. This may change, but at present such is their position.

King William again leaves Berlin to-day to be present at the queen’s birthday, at Baden-Baden. He will be absent ten days, and, as usual, is accompanied by his prime minister.

Crown Princess Victoria has given birth to a prince, of which happy event you will, no doubt, be duly advised by a ceremonial letter of his Majesty to the President.

I am, sir, your obedient servant,


Hon. William H. Seward, Secretary of State, Washington, D. C.