
Mr. Kreismann to Mr. Seward.

No. 21.]

Sir:* * * * * *

Since the capture of the island of Alsen by the Prussians, no news of any importance has been received from the seat of war. This, to a large extent, is the result of the stringent measures the government has taken to keep all military and naval operations from becoming known, by publications and descriptions thereof, before they are executed. Neither the telegraph nor the public journals are permitted to give information on the subject, and the public learns nothing, except what is given them through short official bulletins which appear daily in the “Staanzeiger,” the “Moniteur” of Prussia. Operations looking to the capture of the island of Funen are progressing, and it is clear that the Danes are no longer in a condition to offer any material resistance to the German powers. Even at Copenhagen this conviction seems now prevailing, and it is this which has induced King Christian to dismiss the Mourad ministry identified with the incorporation of Schleswig into Denmark, and the war, and to intrust Count Charles Moltke with the formation of a new ministry. The [Page 219] selection of Count Moltke is a demonstration at once in behalf of peace, and against parliamentary government, he being a stout absolutist. It is this latter quality which recommends him to King William of Prussia, and his prime minister Herr Von Bismarck; and hence the ministerial change is hailed with great delight by the ministerial journals here. I believe his appointment comes too late. He will not be able to preserve the integrity of the Danish monarchy as it exsisted before the war. A final and total separation of the duchies from Denmark, and their reunion under a government and dynasty of their own will alone secure permanent peace. It is true there is some question as to whether the Duke of Augustenburg, or the Duke of Oldenburg is to become the ruler of the new state; but as the people in the duchies are for the former, he will most likely be recognized by the federal Diet, even against the wishes of Prussia who favors the latter. King William is still at Carlsbad. From there, on the 18th instant, he will proceed to Gastein to continue his cure; later in the summer, he will pass some weeks at Baden-Baden. Herr Yon Bismarck remains with him during all his absence from Berlin.

Of the three vessels that was building at Bordeaux for the rebels, and which, with the consent of the French government, have been acquired by Prussia, one has already arrived at Bremerhafen. Her name was changed from “Yedo” to “Augusta,” and she is now duly commissioned and armed and equipped as one of his Prussian Majesty’s steam corvettes. This is the same vessel that, when the ship left Bordeaux, was believed to be destined, under the pirate Semmes, to become “Alabama No. 2.” Now that the truth of her destination has become known, French and English sympathizers with rebel piracy are greatly chagrined. The two remaining vessels are to be delivered to Prussia so soon as completed. Besides these purchases, there is reason to believe the Prussian government has attempted to effect others in the United States, through Dr. Schleiden, the minister of the Hanseatic towns, in Washington. If any vessels have been bought in America for Bremen and Hamburg, the real party in the bargain are not they, but Prussia.

* * * * * * *

I am, sir, your obedient servant,


Hon. William H. Seward, Secretary of State, Washington, D. C.