Mr. Kreismann to Mr. Seward.
Sir:Accounts of the meeting and organization of Congress, and also the President’s message, have been received through the English papers, no American papers having as yet arrived here later than of the 8th instant. The [Page 197] comments of the German press on the message are in a high degree favorable. The striking contrast between President Lincoln’s exhibition of the state of our national affairs with that of the rebel pretender Davis, which has likewise been published, has not failed to impress the public mind in Germany, and the conviction that the rebellion will come to a speedy end is again fully established.
The paragraph of the President’s message on the subject of European emigration, in connexion with the free homestead law, is receiving particular attention on the part of the German press; and it is conceded that emigration from Germany would be very considerably increased if our Congress could devise some mode by which persons desiring to emigrate might be provided a free passage to our shores. While many thousands of young and robust men, whose services would prove exceedingly valuable to our land, possess means sufficient to subsist them for a brief period after their arrival in America, they are unable to defray the expense of the passage, and are thus compelled to remain here. Had this legation possessed the necessary means and authority, it could have sent at least a thousand able-bodied and intelligent men during the present year. A free passage for emigrants to America should, therefore, be the chief object of any measures which Congress, in response to the President’s recommendation, may deem proper to adopt.
The President’s firm declaration to stand by and uphold his proclamation of freedom is likewise receiving the just admiration and approval of enlightened Germany. It is now well understood that the people of America, of whatever party, are come to the conclusion that the Union shall be maintained, and that slavery shall have an end. * * * * * *
Since my last report of the Schleswig-Holstein question the Danish troops have evacuated the latter duchy, and federal troops have entered. The government of Holstein and Lauenburg has also been assumed by the two federal commissioners accompanying the troops. On the part of the people, this has been followed everywhere by great demonstrations of rejoicing. All towns of importance are proclaiming the Prince of Augustenburg their rightful sovereign. The same step has been taken by nearly all the members of the Holstein assembly, lately called together for consultation. In the federal diet, too, a new movement has sprung up in his favor. Bavaria, Saxony, and Wurtemburg are believed to be united and ready for his recognition; and if this be really so, Austria and Prussia may not be able after all to prevent it. Popular enthusiasm and excitement in Germany is running higher and higher, and it will be no easy task to repress it. Meanwhile an event of great moment has transpired in Denmark, the news of which has just been received here. The ministry Hall has given in its resignation. The King has accepted it. The Reichsrath, just dissolved, is to be reconvened immediately, and the constitution adopted in November to be rescinded. The King himself will leave Copenhagen for the army in Schleswig. These measures would undoubtedly aid the chances of a peaceable solution of the whole question. It is evident that King Christian is anxious for such a result. A revolution, however, in Copenhagen, on the part of the ultra-Danish party, hitherto in power, and the proclamation of Prince Oscar, of Sweden, as King of Scandinavia, is by no means an event unlikely to happen. A few days will now suffice to determine the final result of the controversy.
The Chambers here have adjourned over the Christmas holidays, and will not meet again until the 4th of January next. The Chamber of Deputies has voted the address which I reported to be in contemplation, but his Majesty has refused to receive the deputation charged with its delivery to him. So the document had to be transmitted through the president of the ministry, Herr von Bismark. The answer of his Majesty has not yet been given. It will consist in a flat refusal to entertain the propositions of the Chamber. The King, [Page 198] it is now ascertained, is entirely adverse to a war. He has been ill for some days past, but is recovering.
The Prince Royal, with his family, after a long absence in England, has returned, and so has her Majesty the Queen. The King’s conduct having alienated the good-will of the people of Berlin, none of the usual demonstrations have occurred on their return.
I am, sir, your obedient servant,
Hon. William H. Seward, Secretary of State, Washington.