Mr. Seward to Mr. Kreismann.

No. 11.]

Sir:Your despatch of July 13, No. 21, in which you announce your assumption of the conduct of the legation at Berlin, has been received. The ability and diligence you have exercised when occupying the same position, inspire a confident expectation that the public interest will be safe in your hands.

It is gratifying to know that the Yeddo has safely reached a position not unfriendly to the United States. You will render to this government a valuable service by informing us when you can obtain authentic information of similar transfers of vessels built or bought for the insurgents.

Now, when General Sherman has Atlanta under his guns, when General Grant commands the avenues to the so-called insurgent capital, and when the nation’s credit is reviving under the fiscal conduct of Mr. Fessenden, it excites a smile to read in your despatch that the latest telegraphic advices you have, concerning affairs at home, were that our army was harmless at Petersburg; that Sherman, with a starving army, had been repulsed on his march into Georgia; and that the resignation of Mr. Chase had unfavorably affected American securities.

I am, sir, your obedient servant,


Hermann Kreismann, Esq., &c., &c., Berlin.