Mr. Seward to Mr. Judd.

No. 72.]

Sir: I have to thank you for your despatch of April 16, No. 62, which contains a very interesting exposition of the political situation of western Europe. Since it arrived I have received news of the fall of Duppel, which, doubtless, lends a new complexion to the war between Denmark and Germany.

I am advised that Mr. Corwin, availing himself of a leave of absence granted in August last, expected to take his departure from Vera Cruz on the 3d instant. The late accounts from Mexico show that the French forces have encountered [Page 193] several reverses; but the statements are not very minute, and everything that comes from that quarter, in the interest of either belligerent, is believed to be much exaggerated. Nothing that has occurred there or in Europe has been thought to furnish sufficient ground for a change of the attitude which the United States has hitherto held in regard to Mexico.

I am, sir, your obedient servant,


Norman B. Judd, Esq., &c., &c., &c., Berlin.