Sir: By the official note which your excellency did me the honor to address me on the 7th instant, I have been made aware of the satisfaction with which your government and the people of the United States have received the manifestations of friendship and sympathy of which they were the object in Chili, upon the occasion of the late anniversary of the independence of that republic, and of the friendly sentiments with which they cordially correspond to those which animate this country.
His excellency the President of the republic, to whom I gave account of the instructions in the premises which your excellency informs me you have received from the most excellent Secretary of State of the United States, has felt highly flattered thereby, and has charged me to signify to your excellency the sincere satisfaction with which he has welcomed this new evidence of the good friendship and reciprocity between the government and the people of the United States and the people and government of Chili.
My government heartily joins in the grateful confidence expressed to me by your excellency, that such sentiments may ever exist between the United States and this republic, and that all those of America may be indissolubly united by these same bonds of friendship and sympathy.
I have the honor to reiterate to your excellency the expression of my most distinguished consideration and esteem, with which I am your excellency’s most obedient servant,
The Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of the United, States.