Mr. Seward to Mr. Nelson.
Sir: I have to acknowledge the receipt of your despatch of the 16th of December, No. 117, which brings us your account of the fearful destruction of the Church of the Compaña at Santiago, on the 8th instant.
You were right in hastening, without awaiting for instructions, to tender to the President of the republic the condolence and the sympathies of the American people on the occasion of that afflicting visitation of Divine Providence. The sentiments you expressed in that communication are heartily approved by the President and by the whole American people; and their grateful appreciation is hereby tendered to the heroic conduct of yourself, Doctor Silvey, Mr. Meiggs, Mr. Keith, Mr. Colton, Mr. Andrews, Mr. Pearce, Mr. Eaton, and to the other Americans to whom yon refer as a class, without mentioning their names individually, in endeavoring to rescue as many victims as possible from the inextinguishable conflagration.
I am, sir, your obedient servant,
Thomas H. Nelson, Esq., &c., &c., &c.