
The formal opening of the Reichsrath by the Emperor in person took place to-day in the great hall of ceremonies of the Hofburg. The Emperor said:

Honored Members of my Reichsrath:After arrangements have been made during the former part of the session by which the Reichsrath, in force of its constitutional right, is enabled to treat subjects of legislation common to all my kingdoms and countries, I have convoked that body for the execution of this purpose as the collective representation of my empire. While I now formally open its session, I greet you, the archdukes, and princes of my house, most honored and illustrious gentlemen of both houses of the Reichsrath. It is my intention, so soon as the termination of your duties shall have brought this session to a close, to allow the lesser Reichsrath to come into operation. I also expect that in the eastern portion of my empire the same constitutional activity which has so happily prevailed in my principality of Siebenburgen will everywhere begin afresh. To this object, which I desire shortly to see achieved, not only in the interest of those kingdoms, but also of my whole empire, the chief endeavors of my government are directed. Confidence and real unanimity will conduce to blessed results. A series of events important not only to my family, but also to the whole empire, have occurred between the close of the last session and the present day. The acceptance of the Mexican imperial throne, with my consent, on the part of my brother, the Archduke Ferdinand Maximilian, now Emperor Maximilian I, of Mexico, has rendered necessary a settlement of the rights of the agnates thereby brought under consideration. For this purpose I executed a family compact at Miramar, on the 9th of April in the present year, which my government is authorized to communicate to you.

Animated by the earnest endeavor to assist in the preservation and maintenance of general peace, I congratulate myself upon the good understanding and friendly relations existing between my government and the other great powers of Europe. I shall not cease to uphold these relations, and to do everything in order to preserve my empire, at present occupied with so many important tasks, from foreign complications.

A subject of dispute for many years in the north of Germany has just been settled in the most honorable manner. The representatives of my empire will participate with truly patriotic feeling in my satisfaction that a close which contains the fulfilment of the highest expectations has been put to the war between the German powers and Denmark by the treaty of peace signed at Vienna on the 30th October, and the ratification of which is expected in a few days. The courage of the allied troops and the navies of Austria and Prussia has conquered that splendid prize, and the wise and just reticence of the neutral powers has facilitated the final understanding. The high value of the unanimity between myself and my august federal ally, the king of Prussia, has again been proved by memorable results. But I do not doubt that in face of the glorious and happy solution of the question by which Germany has been excited to her inmost core, the entire country will again find that concord which affords so powerful a guarantee for her own safety and welfare, as well as for the quiet and equilibrium of Europe. To my regret, the unfortunate influence which events in [Page 167] the kingdom of Poland have recently exercised upon the countries bordering my empire, have imposed upon my government the necessity of undertaking exceptional measures in those countries for the preservation of internal quiet, and for the protection of the person and property of the peaceable population. They have been accompanied with successful results for the security of these imperilled interests. I have perceived with satisfaction that a portion of these measures have already shown themselves capable of being dispensed with, and I gladly give myself up to the expectation that they may be entirely withdrawn at no distant period.

The finances of my kingdom will claim your special attention. It was not possible that the unfavorable conditions which everywhere govern the European money market could be without obstructive influences on the progress of the politico-economical and financial development of Austria. In this unmistakably difficult situation the payment of the increased demands of the state has yet constantly been punctually provided for. The earnest striving to economize affords satisfactory expectation that when the extraordinary state expenses still at present existing have been surmounted, the disturbances in the f6inances and in the equilibrium of the budget will at last be removed. Two budgets will exceptionally be laid before you in the present session, viz., that for the year 1865, and immediately afterwards that for the year 1866. By this transitory measure it is intended to introduce a settled succession of time in the sessions of the Reichsrath and the provincial diets, and also insure the possibility of concluding the labors of the budget prior to the commencement of the financial year.

The first financial law, constitutionally passed, has been included in the general budget for 1865; the last will be laid before you in this session by my government. I recommend to your especial attention the bills to be brought in for the regulation of the direct taxation, the speedy operation of which is to be desired as much in the interest of a more just and equitable partition of the burden of taxation as of a provision better corresponding to the demands of the state.

Your attention will also be directed to the consideration of other financial measures, with the object of improving existing laws, and the partial, not unimportant, alleviation of the burdens of the tax-payers.

I mention in this category a bill to lessen the poll tax in my principality of Siebenburgen.

For several years past the politico-economical unity of Germany, which is designated in the 19th article of the federal act as the object of the efforts of the federation, has taken more decided shape in later treaties, and one more in conformity with the requirements of the time. This question has engaged the full attention of my government.

To bring about a successful solution of this problem, which is of importance to the federal Diet, and greatly concerns the interests of Austria, negotiations have become necessary, which are now being conducted by my government with that earnestness befitting the subject. The result of these negotiations will be communicated to you by my government, and I hope that they will not be without favorable influence upon the establishment of the new customs tariff which is to come into operation in the course of this session.

Recognizing the advantages which will accrue to my empire in every respect by the increase of means of communication, I have commissioned my government at once to direct their uninterrupted and energetic labors to the preparation of a plan for the formation of a network of railways sufficient for the wants of my kingdom and principalities. Conformably to these views, my government will bring before you a series of bills in reference to the state guarantee to several new railway undertakings. At any rate, in the course of this session, and as soon as possible, a bill will be submitted for constitutional consideration, having for its object the formation of a line to the principality of Transylvania, and through the interior of that country.

With deep regret I have perceived the heavy pressure to which trade in my territories, as well as elsewhere, has been exposed; yet the advanced position it has already taken up induces me to hope that, sheltered by the blessings of peace, its own power, and sound legislation, it will again attain a lasting and satisfactory development. Several bills having reference to politico-economical interests, as well as other matters coming within the province of the assembled Reichsrath, are being prepared by my government to be laid before you, and will be brought in fur discussion in the course of the session. It is my wish, for the fulfilment of which your devoted zeal is a guarantee, to see the questions to which you are about to turn your attention speedily settled, since a series of important and voluminous bills has been prepared by my government for the consideration of the lesser Reichsrath, whose return depends upon that condition.

Honored members of my Reichsrath: While I dismiss you with the assurance of my imperial favor and grace to the consideration of the important questions before you, I am not unaware of their difficulties; but I have firm confidence that, with your counsel and assistance, I shall succeed in conducting the empire intrusted to me by Providence with a strong hand towards a fortunate future. I derive this confidence from the love and fidelity, from the sagacity and strength of my subjects, whom I recommend to the almighty protection of Heaven, wishing from my inmost heart that their destinies may conduce to the happiness and fame of their common fatherland.